Shooting the next episode our series about a quarter century at Amerika took us to “Únorová propast“ - "The February abyss". The elite of our club participated right here in explorations of underground labyrinths of the famous quarry in the early eighties.The action took place on Saturday on the 13th of February, 2016. We chose this date a bit ...
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The first part of this year’s expedition Xibalba 2016 was focused on the continuation of work in the so called “Slovakian” cenotes, which are 3 km as the crow flies away from the Koox Baal system.The first explorations took place in 2014. In those days, cave-divers had to carry all their equipment ...
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The annual members’ meeting of the club Speleoaquanaut (ZO 1-10 of Czech Speleological Society) was traditionally hosted by Chairman Dan Hutňan. Besides a regular assessment of the previous year and setting targets for this one, he additionally supplemented the debate with a very interesting lecture! Club members were hereby familiarized with contemporary trends in the signage of underwater cave ...
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